Children's gardening image

Did you know? Pumpkins are actually a fruit!

Yes, that’s right! Pumpkins produce seeds, and are therefore classed as a fruit. In that same way that rhubarb is actually a vegetable. Now you know!

Why encourage children into gardening?

There is so much research to show that getting children involved in the garden can make them happier and healthier. It’s an inexpensive way for children to learn about the environment and world around them. And this applies to any age! Research even suggests that children are calmer when they are attuned to nature and perform better in school. More importantly for parents – growing their own fruit and veg encourages healthier eating habits!


Watering flowers with a children's watering can

Where to start?

Tools for the job

There are a wide range of child-safe gardening tools available now to help them get started. They come in a variety of colours and designs and are developed to be the perfect size for little hands. Some of the basics they will need are a trowel, watering can and some gloves.

Plants for beginners

When it comes to children’s gardening, you’ll want to choose plants that are easy to care for, won’t take too long to grow, and will peak their interest with a fabulous smell or edible qualities! Here are our top picks on where to start.

  • Sunflowers from seed

Have a growing competition between siblings or neighbours! Sunflowers can grow huge, and are easy to look after, just requiring water and sunshine to grow strong.

  • Quick-growing edibles

A rewarding and fast growing plant like lettuce, runner beans, peas or colourful swiss-chard are sure to peak the interest of little growers. There’s nothing like popping open a pea pod and tasting the sweetness of the peas on a sunny day.

  • Sweet Peas

Why not try growing a sweet pea tee pee? Not only will kids be delighted at the height and fragrance of these plants, they’ll have a fun den to play in during the summer! Sweet pea flowers can also be picked regularly for continuous flowering throughout the season.

  • Strawberries

Loved by all ages, strawberries taste their best once ripened in the sunshine and picked straight from the plant! It will take patience to let them grow to their ripest before being tempted to pick them!

Painted garden stones


Fun Family Activities

There are so many ways the whole family can have fun together for very little cost in the garden!

  • Decorate garden stones to add colour to your borders

Time to get the paints out and get creative with your garden stones! You can be totally random, or pick a theme to run with such as birds, woodland animals, weather, flowers or even have a go at family member portraits!

  • Upcycle old welly boots

No doubt, over the years you’ll have amassed a range of outgrown/ worn children’s wellies in fabulous bright colours and designs. They can be easily turned into funky planters for the garden. Simply drill some holes in the sole, fill with stones to stop them falling over, fill with compost and top with some of your favourite flowers.

  • Make a bug hotel 

Teach children the important role insects play in the garden, and encourage them to look after them by making a bug hotel. Use old bits of wood, twigs and sticks, bits of brick and stones and string to tie everything together. However big or small you can make it – insect guests will be thankful of a place to rest and shelter!

  • Harvesting your crop

The most rewarding part of growing your own fruit and veg is getting to eat the fruits of your labour! Growing tomatoes, peppers and basil will make the perfect pizza toppings. So, throw a family pizza party and get everyone involved in creating their own!


Happy gardening!