Plant health has been the focus of the year in 2020, as identified by the Food and Agricultural Organisation. The aim is to raise awareness of the importance healthy plants play in our environment, nature, wildlife, our health and our economy.


Approximately 1.3 billion kg of air pollutants were removed by woodlands, plants, grasslands and other UK vegetation (2015)



Plants produce 98% of the oxygen we breathe and make up 80% of the food we eat

The world’s food supply depends on about 150 plant species, of which just 12 provide three-quarters of the worlds food


A mature evergreen can intercept more than 15,000 litres of water per year, helping to reduce the risk of flooding

The correct placement of trees around buildings can reduce the need for air conditioning by 30% and reduce winter heating bills by 20-50%


What can we do to be plant aware, and get involved in caring for plants in our gardens and in nature?

  1. Know what you grow – all of our plants have passports so you know where they came from. Try to choose the right plant for your garden.
  2. Stop the spread – keep your plants in your garden, don’t plant them or allow them to grow in the wild.
  3. Compost with care – dispose of your unwanted plants, roots, leaves and seeds responsibly.
  4. Clean your boots – before and after visiting woodland parks, to avoid the spread of potentially devastating plant diseases.